
Boys in the Woods

First Friday Art Hop often presents a challenge in that your piece of art should compliment a certain theme. For the 2011 year, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs have (and will continue to) inspire the PoetHouse artists and direct the pieces that are created for the gallery. January & February explored the first level of the Maslow's pyramid, the needs of which being physiological - air, food, shelter, sex, sleep, drink, etc. The PoetHouse decided that all these needs were 'Primal' in nature.
I created golden husks, horns, snouts, beaks and antlers
for my highly primal, dapperly clad gentlemen
friends and went for a drive up north...
(above to left to right)
Buck, as played by Grant. Buffalo, as played by Nolan. Walrus, as played by Jonathan. American Eagle, as played
by Andrew. Ram, as played by Ryan.
Wild Boar, as played by Kyle.
Wolf, as played by Tony.